How does it works?

The involvement of builders, contributors, node operators, and users is essential for the success and sustainability of the ThirdFi ecosystem.

  • Builder: Build advanced AI agents and deploy the algorithms on blockchains.

    1. Deploy AI Algorithm, generate advanced AI agents or dApps from AI Agents.

    2. Earn revenue when users are using the dApps and AI algorithm.

  • Data Providers: Provide training data for AI computation.

    1. Provide and retain ownership of their own data by ThirdFi ID.

    2. Earning from builders and parties from utilizing the data training purposes.

  • Node Operators: Perform operations of AI agents and ThirdFi network.

    1. Traders as node operators.

    2. Provide computational power for GPUs / TPUs training

    3. Responsible transaction validation

    4. Earn rewards from succeed transaction

  • Users: Traders, DeFi users, Researchers, Enterprise, Developers

    1. Access to the comprehensive generated on-chain data from AI agents.

    2. Simple analysis report and human-interactive AI based on the data computed by AI Agents.

    3. Builder pay fees to create advanced AI agents for specific task completion based on the algorithm provided from data collected from AI agents.

    4. Developers integrate AI algorithm provided into their existing application or network

    5. Enterprises or developers purchase trained data or AI agents from data providers or builders for business purposes.

    6. End users can use or invest in advanced AI agents by subscription to potential builders.

Last updated